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JAGAT GURU RAMPAL JIHome Way of LivingWay of LivingWay of LivingSummary of the Above-Mentioned StoriesWorship of Brahm is Annutam (Bad).Even Shri Krishna ji could not end the three ‘Taap’ (suffering). “To curse” comes in the category of three ‘Taap’ (Divine Taap). Shri Krishna himself along with all the Yadavs became victim of the curse of Durvasa.Shri Krishna ji advised to take bath in the Yamuna to become free from the curse. He had told this solution. The curse did not get eliminated by that, but the Yadavs definitely got eliminated. Please ponder: - How effective those advices of the other Saints and Brahmins would be to become free from crisis in this way by taking bath in a river or undertaking a pilgrimage? In other words, they are futile because when there was no benefit from the solution of bath in Yamuna told by God Triloki Nath (Lord of three worlds), then nothing is going to happen from the solutions like bath etc advised by other worthless people, Brahmins and gurus.First, Shri Krishna ji had told the method of protection from the curse of Durvasa – ‘Grind that wok and put its powder into the ‘Prabhas’ region in river Yamuna. Neither will there be any bamboo, nor will any flute be played (End the root cause of the trouble)! Bamboos also remained and the flutes of 56 crore Yadavs were also played! (Meaning they all died due to the curse.)Gentlemen!Currently, man is intelligent and educated. Match the knowledge given by me (Sant Rampal Das) with the scriptures, then do bhakti and see what miracles happen.Let us take the topic forward: -The worship of the three gunas (Rajgun Brahma ji, Satgun Vishnu ji and Tamgun Shiv ji) has been proved to be futile.The worship of the Giver of the knowledge of Gita has been described as ‘Anuttam’ (bad) by the Giver of the knowledge of Gita himself in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 18. In Gita Chapter 18 Verse 62, he has advised to go in the refuge of that Supreme God i.e. Param Akshar Brahm. He has also stated that only by the grace of that Supreme God, you will attain supreme peace and eternal supreme abode.In Gita Chapter 15 Verse 1 to 4, there is description of the world-like tree, and the identity of the Tatvdarshi Saint has also been described. All the parts of the world-like tree, which God is the root, which god is the trunk, which god is the bigger branch and which gods are the smaller branches and the leaves-like world, have been described.In this very Chapter 15 Verse 16, it has been clarified that: -Kshar Purush: - He is the lord of 21 brahmands. He is also called Brahm, Kaal Brahm, Jyoti Niranjan. He is mortal. We are living in his Lok (world). We have to escape from his Lok, and we have to go back to our God Kabir in Satyalok.Akshar Purush: - He is the lord of 7 sankh (700 quadrillion) brahmands. He is also mortal. We have to go to Satyalok through his 7 sankh brahmands. Therefore, we have to give his toll tax. That is all we have to do with him.In Gita Chapter 15 Verse 17, it has been stated that: -Uttam PurushH tu anyaH Parmatma iti udaahrtH |YaH lok trayam aavishya vibharti avyayH IshwarH ||Translation: - The two gods mentioned in Gita Chapter 15 Verse 16 are – one is Kshar Purush and the second is Akshar Purush. Other than these two is Uttam Purush i.e. Purushottam. He alone is called God, who by entering into the three Loks nurtures everyone. He verily is the Immortal Supreme God. (Gita Chapter 15 Verse 17) It has also been clarified in Gita Chapter 3 Verses 14-15 that Sarvgatam Brahm i.e. Omnipresent God, who is Sachidanand Ghan Brahm (True-Happiness-Giving God), is also called Vasudev about whom there is mention in Gita Chapter 7 Verse 19 that He alone is always situated in the yagyas i.e. religious rituals, that is, He alone should be worshipped as a deity.Taking initiation from a Complete Guru, do bhakti while abiding by the rules. By treading on the path of life in this way, lead a happy life in this world and attain the destination of salvation.LATEST BOOKSWAY OF LIVING Way of Living - Introduction | Spiritual Leader Rampal Ji Way of Living - Two Words | Spiritual Leader Saint Rampal Ji 1. Common Belief of Human Life | Way of Living 2. A brief definition of the Ocean of happiness | Way of Living 3. Dialogue between Sage Markandey and an Apsara (Celestial Nymph) 4. Today Brother Has Time | Way of Living 5. Other description of harm caused by not doing Worship | Way of Living 6. One Will Suffer Extreme Misery Due to Not Doing Bhakti | Way of Living 7. Journey on the Path of Bhakti | Way of Living 8. How to Perform Marriage | Way of Living 9. What is a Love Affair Like | Way of Living 10. God Shiv’s Renunciation of his Wife | Way of Living 11. Ungrateful Son 12. Childless Couples! Beware 13. Ignorant People Dance in Marriage | Way of Living 14. Teachings of Saints | Way of Living 15. Journey After Marriage | Way of Living 16. Special Brainstorm 17. Story of a Virtuous Person | Way of Living 18. Effect of Company and Faith in God | Way of Living 19. Arrangement of Communal Meal by Supreme God Kabir in Kashi (Varanasi) 20. Another Miracle that Took Place in That Communal Meal in Kashi (Varanasi) | Way of Living 21. Story of Harlal Jaat | Way of Living 22. Consumption of Tobacco is a Heinous Sin | Way of Living 23. Story of Origin of Tobacco | Way of Living 24. Other Views on Tobacco | Way of Living 25. Even Donkeys and Horses Loathe Tobacco | Way of Living 26. Intoxication Causes Destruction | Way of Living 27. Service and Respect of Parents is a Prime Duty | Way of Living 28. A Father Forgives All Possible Mistakes of Children | Way of Living 29. Discord in Family Ends with Satsang | Way of Living 30. Advice of Puhlo Bai | Way of Living 31. Big Crisis is Averted by Going to Satsang | Way of Living 32. Futile Effort of Killing Meera Bai with Poison | Way of Living 33. Meera Bai Got Refuge of Satguru | Way of Living 34. A Thief Never Becomes Rich | Way of Living 35. One Would Have to do Bhakti in Worldly Turmoils Only | Way of Living 36. What Will Happen By Doing Bhakti Now | Way of Living 37. Chaudhary Jeeta Jaat Became Enlightened | Way of Living 38. Salvation of a Prostitute | Way of Living 39. Story of Ranka and Banka | Way of Living 40. Test of Disciples by God Kabir 41. After Taking Initiation | Way of Living 42. Ek Leva ek deva dootam | We are here to Settle the Debt | Way of Living 43. Difference Between Speech and Action is Dangerous | Way of Living 44. Attainment of Path of Bhakti from Satsang 45. Deed of Narrator Pandit Maniram | Way of Living 46. Salvation of King Parikshit | Way of Living 47. Definition of a Pandit (Priest) | Way of Living 48. Summary of Anurag Sagar | Way of Living 49. What Should be the Nature of a Devotee Like | Anurag Sagar | Way of Living 50. How Mind Makes One Do Good Deeds And Sins? | Way of Living 51. Sixteen Qualities of a Devotee | Anurag Sagar | Way of Living 52. A Soul of Kaal Does Not Accept Satguru’s Knowledge 53. Characteristics of a Hans (Devotee) | Anurag Sagar | Way of Living 54. A Devotee Should Be Benevolent | Anurag Sagar | Way of Living 55. It is Mandatory to Recite (Naam) Mantra After Initiation | Way of Living 56. Das Muqami Rekhta | Way of Living 57. A Devotee Should be ‘Jati and Sati’ (Chaste) | Way of Living 58. Summary of Chapter Garud Bodh | Kabir Sagar | Way of Living 59. Nectar-Speech From Garud Bodh | Kabir Sagar | Way of Living 60. Summary of Chapter Hanuman Bodh | Kabir Sagar | Way of Living 61. Conversation of Supreme God Kabir with Kaal | Way of Living 62. Kaal Took a Pledge From Kabir Ji to Take Fewer Souls in Three Yugas | Way of Living 63. Writing on Paper Loaded in Thirteen Carts | Way of Living 64. How Much Kalyug Has Passed Currently | Way of Living 65. Salvation is Not Possible Without a Guru | Way of Living 66. Bhakti is Possible by the Power of Word of Complete Guru | Way of Living 67. Definition of Vasudev | Way of Living 68. Which God Should Be Worshipped According to Gita | Way of Living 69. Difference Between Pooja (Worship) and Sadhna (Religious Practice) | Way of Living 70. Deed of Sage Durvasa | Way of LivingJAGATGURUHomeSatsangPublicationsHoly BooksInfo for AspirantsSatsang SchedulePhoto GalleryContact UsDownloadsSitemapHOLY BOOKSVedasBhagavad GitaDurga PuranShiv PuranVishnu PuranBrahma PuranMarkanday PuranSri Guru Granth SahibGuru Nanak Dev - Janam SakhiQuranBibleSATSANGLive SatsangVideo SatsangAudio Satsang Download Audio Satsang SATSANG EVENTSCheck all future satsang datesARTICLESTrending ArticlesOTHER WEBSITESHindi WebsiteSA NewsKabir SahibBhagavad GitaKabir PanthGyan GangaKNOWLEDGEDownload BooksGyan GangaCreation of NatureVIDEOSBhakti BodhParibhasha Prabhu KiTatva Gyan SandeshCreation of NatureAdhyatmik Gyan CharchaTeachings & SermonsSatsang in MarathiWAY OF LIVINGWay of LivingABOUT USKabir SahibSant Rampal JiBiography of Satguru Rampal Ji MaharajBiography of Garib Das Ji & more..Contact UsNAAMDANImportant information for those who want to become 2004 - 2021 Kabir Parmeshwar Bhakti Trust (Regd) - All Rights ReservedCopyright Notice | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy | Disclaimer
